E using bio-rad’s stain-free technology, Appendix e, Using bio-rad’s stain-free technology – Bio-Rad Image Lab™ Software User Manual

Page 223: Time. see, Appendix e, using bio-rad’s stain-free technology, Eusing bio-rad’s stain-free technology

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Using Bio-Rad’s
Stain-Free Technology

Bio-Rad’s stain-free gels eliminate the time-consuming staining and destaining

steps required by other protein detection methods. Stain-free gels include

unique trihalo compounds that allow rapid fluorescent detection of proteins with

the Gel Doc™ XR+ and ChemiDoc™ XRS+ imagers without staining.

When using Image Lab™ software version 5.1 or higher, the Gel Doc XR+ and

ChemiDoc XRS+ imagers are stain-free enabled to image these gels:

Criterion™ TGX Stain-Free™ precast gels

Criterion Stain Free™ precast gels



TGX Stain-Free™ precast gels

TGX Stain-Free™ FastCast™ acrylamide solutions for handcast gels

When trihalo compounds in the gels encounter tryptophan residues, a UV

light–induced reaction produces fluorescence, which can be easily detected by

the Gel Doc XR+ and ChemiDoc XRS+ imagers within gels or on low

fluorescence polyvinyl difluoride (PVDF) membranes. Activation of the trihalo

compounds in the gels adds 58 Da moieties to available tryptophan residues and

is required for protein visualization. Proteins that do not contain tryptophan

residues cannot be detected using this technology. The sensitivity of stain-free

gels is comparable to staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue for proteins with a

tryptophan content >1.5%; sensitivity superior to Coomassie staining is possible

for proteins with a tryptophan content >3%.

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