Paging functions, 10 paging functions – Unitec Wash Select II POS Owner’s Manual User Manual
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WSII Operations Manual
wash selection. For example: The auto select timer has been set to 30 seconds. Your wash
prices are set at $4, $5, $6 and $7. The customer deposits a $5 bill, and then drives into the
wash without making a wash selection. After 30 seconds, the Wash Select II will
automatically arm the $5 wash.
Here are the steps to enable this feature.
You may disable this feature by setting the timer to “0”.
Using the toggle switch at the top of the CPU board, place the Wash Select II in
setup mode by moving the switch toward the back of the Wash Select II case.
(The CPU board is located on the inside right wall of the Wash Select II case.)
Using the (3) key to scroll forward and the (1) key to scroll back, scroll through the
main menu until the ”Cust. Interface” option is displayed. Press the (*) key to
Scroll through this menu until the “Auto Select Timer” option is displayed, and
then press the (*) key to enter.
Enter the amount of time you wish the Wash Select II to wait before automatically
arming a wash (1-120 seconds), and then press the (*) key to enter.
2.10 Paging Functions
When equipped with the “Paging” option, the Wash Select II can send an error message to
your pager or cell phone. This option allows you to enable up to six different pagers of three
different types (Numeric, Text or Voice/Tone). The paging option requires that you have
purchased the “Paging” option or the “Credit” option.
The Wash Select II monitors error conditions during the operation of the unit. Once an error
condition is detected, the Wash Select II begins to count how many times that error is
detected. When the error count exceeds its pre-set limit, a page will be sent (alarm condition)
and the configuration report will show the alarm. When an error is detected but it has not
reached its limit, it is reported on the configuration report (warning condition).
All alarm conditions and their counters are reset upon a power reset. Some error conditions
such as “Printer Low” or “Low Hopper” can be detected upon power up of the unit. For further
information regarding “Alarm Conditions”, refer to Section 3, “Component Operation &
Maintenance” under the sub-section regarding the component you are questioning.
E X A M P L E S :
If a customer inserts a card into the card reader incorrectly or the card reader head is faulty, it
will register as a “bad card read”. After 25 consecutive bad card reads, a page will be sent.
No further pages will be sent until the alarm condition has been reset and an additional 25
bad card reads are detected. In this example, the alarm condition can be reset by a good
card read or by a power reset.
Alarm conditions considered more severe trigger pages immediately. For instance, a page is
sent immediately if a “hopper jam/empty” event occurs. If it happens a second time, a page