Vip wash coupon limit – Unitec Wash Select II POS Owner’s Manual User Manual
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WSII Operations Manual
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M a r s ( M E I ) B i l l V a l i d a t o r V I P W a s h C o u p o n S e t u p
This feature allows you to program the value of your VIP coupons, and to enable or disable
the coupon. To program a VIP Wash Coupon:
Using the toggle switch at the top of the CPU board, place the Wash Select II in
setup mode by moving the switch toward the back of the Wash Select II case.
(The CPU board is located on the inside right wall of the Wash Select II case.)
Using the (3) key to scroll forward and the (1) key to scroll back, scroll through the
main menu until the “VIP Wash Coupons” option is displayed. Press the (*) key to
The first time you select this option, you will be prompted to “Set Manufacturer”.
Press (2) to select the Mars (MEI) Bill Validator. Once the bill validator
manufacturer has been selected, you will not be prompted to set the
manufacturer from this menu again.
You will be prompted to “Select Coupon Slot”. The slot number corresponds to
the Coupon Label Number as listed in Table 13. Enter the number of the slot you
are programming and press (*).
You will be prompted to “Enter Coupon ID”. Enter the Coupon ID Code and press
(*). (Refer to Table 13 for Coupon ID Codes.) Enter (0) to disable this coupon slot.
You will be prompted t
o select “Wash” or “Discount“. Press (1) to program the
coupon to credit a wash, or press (2) to program the coupon to credit a dollar
amount towards the purchase of a wash. Press (*) to enter your selection.
Enter the coupon value. If you have selected “Wash”, enter the wash number the
coupon will automatically credit and press the (*) key. If you have selected
“Discount”, enter the value of the discount in cents format (e.g. a coupon value of
$1.00 would be entered as 100) and press the (*) key.
If you
have selected “Discount”, you will be prompted to enter the minimum wash
number (1-4). (The minimum wash number signifies the least expensive wash
that may be purchased using this coupon.) Select the minimum wash number
and press (*) to enter.
Continue to follow these steps until you have programmed all desired coupon
slots, or press the (#) key to exit.
Default: Disabled
VIP Wash Coupon Limit
The VIP Wash Coupon Limit feature allows you to limit VIP Wash Coupon usage to one
coupon per customer per purchase. When you have enabled the coupon limit, the Mars bill
validator will reject any coupons entered after the limit has been reached, while the CoinCo
will accept and stack additional coupons without returning them to the customer or giving
them additional credit towards the purchase of a wash.
Using the toggle switch at the top of the CPU board, place the Wash Select II in
setup mode by moving the switch toward the back of the Wash Select II case.
(The CPU board is located on the inside right wall of the Wash Select II case.)