Metrohm NIRS XDS Process Analyzer – DirectLight/NonContact User Manual
Page 104

When prompted, position the WST3Wxxx
Wavelength Standard in the probe area as shown.
NOTE: Slide the probes outward to allow insertion
of the WST3Wxxx Standard into the fixture.
Observe that in the photo above, the left probe
extends inward and will block insertion of the
WST3Wxxx standard, if not retracted slightly.
Re-insert the probes when the standard is in
position. Click “OK” to continue. This test takes
about 45 seconds.
The wavelength response for each defined peak is adjusted, to assure precise wavelength registration
between instruments. At the same time, bandwidth (bandpass) is measured, and is iteratively
adjusted to an optimum value for the peaks measured. This is performed to assure good agreement
from instrument to instrument, should multiple instruments be used for analysis of similar products.
At the end of the test this dialog box is displayed.
Click “OK” to exit Instrument Calibration.
Information about the WST3Wxxx Transmission Wavelength Calibration Standard: The transmission
wavelength standard used is traceable to NIST SRM-2035, through direct comparison on the
Metrohm Master Transmission Instrument.
The optical materials used in the WST3Wxxx Calibration Standard have very sharp bands, which are
found to be stable and repeatable.