Position loop - in position detect, Position loop - point to point, Technical information – Rockwell Automation 20D PowerFlex 700S with Phase I Control Reference Manual User Manual

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Rockwell Automation Publication PFLEX-RM002D-EN-E - August 2013


Detail Drive Configuration and Operation

Chapter 1

Parameter 770 [PositReg Integ] is the integral gain for the position loop.
[PositReg Integ] can be used but is disabled by default and is normally not
needed for position follower applications. To enable [PositReg Integ], set
parameter 740 [Position Control], bit 2 “Integ En” = 1. When [PositReg Integ] is
used, parameters 772 [XReg Integ LoLim] and 773 [XReg Integ HiLim] should
be set with narrow limits.

Jogging a Position Follower Independent from the Master

Version - When you want to jog the PowerFlex 700S follower drive
independently, turn off parameter 740 [Position Control] bit 1 “Posit Spd
Output” to disable the position loop output.

Version - The jog can be performed while the position loop output is

Position Loop - In Position

The In Position Detection determines if parameter 769 [Position Error] is within
a user defined value. Parameter 769 [Position Error] is the result of parameter
747 [Position Cmmd] - parameter 762 [Mtr Posit Fdbk].

Parameter 782 [In Posit BW] sets the absolute number of position counts that
parameter 769 [Position Error] must be within for parameter 741 [Position
Status] bit 10 “In Position” to turn on.

Parameter 783 [In Posit Dwell] sets a delay time in seconds that parameter 769
[Position Error] must be within parameter 782 [In Posit BW] before parameter
741 [Position Status] bit 10 “In Position” turns on.

Position Loop - Point to Point

Technical Information

First a few general facts about the Point to Point Position Loop:

Uses only parameter 768 [PositReg P Gain] for tuning. Parameter 770
[Posit Reg Integ] is not used in point to point mode.

The number of position counts per revolution depends on the type of
feedback device used:

In Position Detect






In Posit BW

In Posit Dwell

Position Error

Position Status
(In Position)