Configuration example, Digital input status bits, Configuration example digital input status bits – Rockwell Automation 20D PowerFlex 700S with Phase I Control Reference Manual User Manual
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Rockwell Automation Publication PFLEX-RM002D-EN-E - August 2013
Detail Drive Configuration and Operation
Chapter 1
[DigIn x User Data] will have the same bits that are set in [DigIn x Data].
Then the bit that was chosen in [Digin x Bit] will toggle based on whether
the digital input is on or off. A designation (sink) parameter is then linked
to [DigIn x User Data] so that it determines the value of that sink
Configuration Example
DigIn 1 will be setup to determine the value of [Speed Ref Sel]. DigIn 1 will
toggle [Speed Ref Sel] between a value of 1 “Speed Ref 1” and 5 “Speed Ref 5.”
[DigIn 1 Sel] = “User Select”
[DigIn 1 Data] = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001
[DigIn 1 Bit] = 2. This means when we toggle Digital Input 1, bit 2 of
[DigIn 1 User Data] will toggle.
When Digital Input 1 is off [DigIn 1 User Data] will be equal to [DigIn 1 Data].
In other words, [DigIn 1 User Data] will equal 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0001 (a value of 1).
When Digital Input 1 is on [DigIn 1 User Data] will be equal to [DigIn 1 Data]
plus whatever bit was set in [DigIn 1 Bit]. In other words [DigIn 1 User Data]
will equal 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 (a value of 5).
[Speed Ref Sel] is linked to [DigIn 1 User Data]. Now [Speed Ref Sel] will toggle
between a value of 1 and 5.
Digital Input Status Bits
[Local I/O Status], bits 0…4 indicate the status of the digital inputs and can be
used for troubleshooting the digital inputs. The bits are broken down as follows:
Bit 0 - “Enable Input”
Bit 1 - “Digital Input 1”
Bit 2 - “Digital Input 2”
Bit 3 - “Digital Input 3”
When the bit in [Local I/O Status] associated with the digital input is set (=1),
the digital input is on. When the bit associated with the digital input is not set
(=0), the digital input is off.