Analog outputs, Analog output specifications – Rockwell Automation 20D PowerFlex 700S with Phase I Control Reference Manual User Manual

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Rockwell Automation Publication PFLEX-RM002D-EN-E - August 2013


Detail Drive Configuration and Operation

Chapter 1

Configuration Example:

This example illustrates how to setup a speed reference to follow a 0…10V analog
input signal and null out a small amount of offset from the A/D converter on the
analog input.

803 [Anlg ln1 Offset] = -0.0144V

802 [Anlg ln1 Scale] = 0.1 per 1V

804 [Anlg ln1 Filt Gain] = 1

805 [Anlg ln1Filt BW] = 0

10 [Spd Ref 1] is linked to 800 [Anlg ln1 Data]

With a desired [Anlg In1 Volts] of 0V, the drive was reading 0.0144V. To null out
analog input 1, [Anlg In1 Offset] was set to -0.0144V.

[Spd Ref 1] is a per unit parameter, meaning that a value of 1 equates to base
motor RPM. Therefore, to scale [Anlg In1 Data] to give us a value from 0 to 1 for
a 0-10V signal, [Anlg In1 Scale] was set to 0.1 per 1V.

[Anlg In1 Filt BW] was set to 0 so that no filtering took place on analog input 1.

Analog Outputs

Analog Output Specifications

There are 2 analog outputs located on TB1 - Row B (Bottom Terminals). Each
output outputs a +/-10V bipolar, differential signal. The D/A converter is 12 bits
including the sign (11 bits plus the sign bit).