Sensorless flying start configuration, Friction compensation – Rockwell Automation 20D PowerFlex 700S with Phase I Control Reference Manual User Manual
Page 64
Rockwell Automation Publication PFLEX-RM002D-EN-E - August 2013
Chapter 1
Detail Drive Configuration and Operation
Sensorless Flying Start Configuration
Parameters 30 [Rev Speed Limit] and 31 [Fwd Speed Limit] must be set to
magnitudes greater than the value set in parameter 451 [SrLss Preset Spd] to
avoid over speed faults during the preset frequency search.
Parameter 222 [Motor Fdbk Sel] selects the primary speed feedback device. This
parameter must be set to “2” for sensorless flying start if this is the active feedback
Parameter 223 [Mtr Fdbk Alt Sel] selects the alternate speed feedback device.
This parameter must be set to “2” for sensorless flying start if this is the active
feedback device.
Settings for parameter 222 [Motor Fdbk Sel] and 223 [Mtr Fdbk Alt Sel]:
Parameter 451 [SrLss Preset Spd] sets the initial frequency for the flying start
frequency search. This value should always be set greater than the expected motor
speed to avoid regeneration and the chance of an over voltage fault.
Parameter 510 [FOC Mode Config] bit 23 “SrLssFStrtEn” determines whether
flying start is enabled or disabled. Setting this parameter to “1” enables the flying
start function. When set to “0” the flying start function is disabled.
Parameter 510 [FOC Mode Config] bit 26 “FS PresetSpd” set to “1 uses
parameter 451 [SrLss Preset Spd] as initial frequency for the flying start. When
set to “0” the flying start frequency search uses the last known frequency.
Friction Compensation
The friction compensation block is used to calculate breakaway torque and the
torque needed just to keep the motor running at a constant speed due to friction.
Parameter 140 [FricComp Spd Ref ] is linked to parameter 43 [S Curve Spd
Ref ]. The speed reference is needed because the torque needed due to friction is
much more near 0 speed than at higher speeds.
Friction compensation is enabled by setting parameter 151 [Logic Command]
bit 11 - “Frict Comp” to “1”.
Encoder 0
Encoder 1
Motor Sim
FB Opt Port0
FB Opt Port1