MTS Series 793 User Manual
Page 74

MTS Series 793 Tuning and Calibration
How to Manually Tune the Control Loop
Tuning Procedures
C. Select the Show References check box.
Notice the Reference column on the right side of the window. This
column shows the current set of tuning parameters. Use the buttons to
update reference settings with new values or replace the current values
with the last set that worked properly.
The Reference settings are saved with the parameter set.
8. Adjust the P Gain and D Gain tuning controls.
A. Start the tuning function generator.
B. Select Continuous Sweep on the internal or external scope.
C. Increase the P Gain adjustment until you see a little overshoot and a
little ringing.
D. Increase the D Gain adjustment to reduce the overshoot and ringing.
Repeat C and D until you achieve a optimum waveform.
The middle waveform is a
optimum waveform. In
some cases the optimum
waveform will have no
overshoot or ringing, and
the waveform will look
more like a square
waveform with rounded
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