MTS Series 793 User Manual
Page 169

Force Sensor Calibration
MTS Series 793 Tuning and Calibration
Calibration Procedures
Using a load standard
Adjust Manual Cmd slider for 0 kN. Then zero the load standard
Using dead weights
Remove all dead weights. On the Inputs panel, click on the Offset/
Zero tab, and then adjust Manual Offset for a signal value of 0 kN on
the DVM or Station Signals panel.
D. Adjust the Manual Cmd slider to achieve a load standard reading of
20% compression and record the meter reading. Repeat this step for
40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% compression.
2. Record the data points for the tension.
Standalone FlexTest SE Controllers:
A. Adjust the Setpoint to achieve a load standard readout of zero.
B. Adjust the Setpoint between zero and full tension three times. This
exercises the force sensor to remove hysteresis.
C. Establish the zero reference.
Using a load standard
Adjust the Setpoint for 0 kN. Then zero the load standard readout.
Using dead weights
Remove all dead weights.
Adjust Manual Offset for a signal value of 0 kN on the DVM or other
monitoring device.
Select Setup > Force > Offset/Zero > Manual Offset
D. Adjust the Setpoint to achieve a force standard reading of 20% tension
and record the meter reading. Repeat this step for 40%, 60%, 80%, and
100% compression.
Automated Controllers:
A. Adjust the Manual Cmd slider to achieve a load standard readout of
B. Adjust the Manual Cmd slider between zero and full tension three
times. This exercises the force sensor to remove hysteresis.
C. Establish the zero reference.
Using a load standard
Adjust the Manual Cmd slider for 0 kN. Then zero the load standard
Using dead weights
Remove all dead weights. Then adjust the Offset control for a Signal
Value of 0 kN on the Input Signals window.