Tuning procedures, Chapter 2, Tuning procedures 47 – MTS Series 793 User Manual
Page 47

MTS Series 793 Tuning and Calibration
Tuning Procedures
Chapter 2
Tuning Procedures
This chapter contains step-by-step tuning instructions for MTS Series 793
Controllers. In this manual, MTS Series 793 Controllers include FlexTest IIm/
CTC, FlexTest SE, FlexTest GT, and TestStar IIm Controllers.
About tuning procedures
for specific controller
For each task, instructions are provided for stand-alone FlexTest SE Controllers
and Automated Controllers.
Standalone FlexTest SE Controllers refer to FlexTest SE Controllers
configured to operate in the stand-alone mode (not equipped with a PC).
Automated Controllers refer to controllers equipped with MTS Series 793
Software. This includes FlexTest IIm/CTC, automated FlexTest SE (equipped
with a PC in which Exclusive Control is assigned to Station Manager), FlexTest
GT, and TestStar IIm Controllers.
Automated FlexTest SE Controllers are equipped with a PC in which
Exclusive Control is assigned to Station Manager. For more information
about Exclusive Control, see the FlexTest SE Users manual.
Where to find control
descriptions for specific
controller models
For a description of the specific tuning controls displayed on the front panel of
stand-alone FlexTest SE Controllers, see the FlexTest SE Users manual.
For a description of the specific tuning controls displayed in the Series 793
Software included with Automated Controllers, see the Series 793 Control
Software manual. This pertains to FlexTest IIm, automated FlexTest SE, FlexTest
GT, and TestStar IIm Controllers.