MTS Series 793 User Manual
Page 207

Extensometer Calibration
MTS Series 793 Tuning and Calibration
Calibration Procedures
14. Verify Linearization Data.
Make sure your current values fall within the permissible variation.
It is up to the user to establish whether the recorded data points meet the
required accuracy. Typically, 1% of a reading is the normal accuracy
If they do not, you must go back to recalibrate the extensometer negative
and positive outputs.
If the extensometer has been previously calibrated, use the following procedure:
1. Locate the calibration data sheet for the appropriate Model 493.25
2. Click Linearization Data to open the Linearization Data window.
Standalone FlexTest SE Controllers: Select Setup > Strain > Calibration
> Cal Type > Gain/Linearization > Linearization Data
Automated Controllers: Click Linearization Data on the Calibration tab.
3. Verify linearization data.
4. Verify linearization data.
A. Adjust the calibrator micrometer for each strain setting on the
Linearization Data window.
B. At each micrometer setting, verify both the calibrator readout value
(Standard) and its corresponding conditioner feedback value
(Conditioner) by comparing them with the corresponding values on
the Calibration Data sheet
If the data is valid: Stop this procedure.
If the data is not valid: Proceed to the next step.
5. Reset Linearization Data window to default values.
Standalone FlexTest SE Controllers: Select Setup > Strain > Calibration
> Cal Type > Gain/Linearization > <
Automated Controllers: Click Reset on the Linearization Data window to
return to default values.
6. Adjust the calibrator between zero and -100% of the extensometer’s full-
scale range three times. This exercises the extensometer to remove any