Operation – Leica Biosystems CV5030 User Manual

Page 51

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Leica CV5030 – Robotic Coverslipper

5.7 Display indicators and instructions (continued)

5. Operation




The user is prompted to press

the PRIME button again in order

to pump mountant from the dis-


Hold the PRIME button down

until mountant comes out of the

dispenser without bubbles. Check

whether there are still air bubbles

in the dispensing group's cover-

slip mountant hose.

If air bubbles are still present,

press PRIME until they have been


The user is prompted to move the

dispenser into working position.

Insert the dispenser into the

holder of the working position.

The instrument is in a state ready

to operate.

Pressing START begins the cov-

erslipping operation.

PAUSE has been pressed. A cov-

erslipping operation for a speci-

men slide started previously is


Wait until the instrument is in

pause mode.

The instrument is in Pause mode.

A signal tone is audible.

Confirm the signal tone with

RESPOND. Press START to con-

tinue the coverslipping operation.

The instrument is in pause mode.

No output magazine is present or

all output magazines are full.

Check the output position. Empty

or insert new output magazines.

Press START to continue working.

The number of cover slips has

fallen below the limit. The instru-

ment continues to work until the

PAUSE button is pressed or all

cover slips have been used up.

Press PAUSE to interrupt cover-

slipping and refill the cover slip

magazine. Press START to con-

tinue working.