Apple iWork '09 User Manual
Page 368

handling errors and warnings 23
inserting cell references 26
operators 28
performing instant calculations 17
using arithmetic operators 28
using cell references 24
using comparison operators 29
using the formula bar 20
using the Formula Editor 19
using the Function Browser 21
viewing all in a spreadsheet 31
formulas that reference the same cell in multiple
tables 39
FREQUENCY statistical function 257
Function Browser 21. See also functions
functions. See also formulas
adding to formulas 21
any value type defined 36
array constant defined 35
array defined 35
array function defined 35
Boolean expression defined 35
Boolean value type defined 36
collection value type defined 36
colon and double colon separators 39
comma and semicolon argument separators 34
condition defined 35
constant defined 35
date and time 42
date/time value type defined 36
duration 64
duration value type defined 37
ellipsis syntax element 35
engineering 72
financial 96
introduction to 33
italic text 34
list value type defined 38
logical and information 155
modal argument defined 35
modal value type defined 38
number value type defined 38
numeric 167
parentheses syntax element 34
range value type defined 38
reference 206
reference value type defined 39
statistical 225
string value type defined 39
syntax elements used in function definitions 34
table spanning formulas 39
text 306
trigonometric 326
uppercase text 34
FV financial function 120, 348, 351
GAMMADIST statistical function 259
GAMMAINV statistical function 260
GAMMALN statistical function 260
GCD numeric function 177
GESTEP engineering function 88
HARMEAN statistical function 262
HEX2BIN engineering function 89
HEX2DEC engineering function 90
HEX2OCT engineering function 91
HLOOKUP reference function 211, 361
HOUR date and time function 51
HYPERLINK reference function 213
IF logical and information function 158, 358
IF logical function 360
IFERROR logical and information function 159
IFERROR logical function 360
INDEX reference function 214
INDIRECT reference function 216
instant calculations 17
INT numeric function 178, 355
INTERCEPT statistical function 262
INTRATE financial function 122, 352
introduction to functions 33
IPMT financial function 123, 349, 353
IRR financial function 125, 350
ISBLANK logical and information function 160, 358
ISERROR logical and information function 161
ISERROR logical function 360
ISEVEN logical and information function 162
ISODD logical and information function 163
ISPMT financial function 126
italic text syntax elements 34
LARGE statistical function 264
LCM numeric function 179
LEFT text function 314
LEN text function 315
LINEST additional statistics 267
LINEST statistical function 265
liquid conversion units 82
list value type 38
LN numeric function 179
loan amortization table 353
loan related financial questions 351
LOG numeric function 180
LOG10 numeric function 181
logical and information function