Chapter 8: numeric functions, Listing of numeric functions, Chapter 8: numeric functions – Apple iWork '09 User Manual

Page 167: 167 listing of numeric functions, Numeric functions

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The numeric functions help you to calculate commonly used

mathematical values.

Listing of Numeric Functions

iWork provides these numeric functions for use with tables.



“ABS” (page 170)

The ABS function returns the absolute value of a
number or duration.

“CEILING” (page 170)

The CEILING function rounds a number away
from zero to the nearest multiple of the specified

“COMBIN” (page 172)

The COMBIN function returns the number of
different ways you can combine a number of
items into groups of a specific size, ignoring the
order within the groups.

“EVEN” (page 173)

The EVEN function rounds a number away from
zero to the next even number.

“EXP” (page 174)

The EXP function returns e (the base of natural
logarithms) raised to the specified power.

“FACT” (page 174)

The FACT function returns the factorial of a

“FACTDOUBLE” (page 175)

The FACTDOUBLE function returns the double
factorial of a number.

“FLOOR” (page 176)

The FLOOR function rounds a number toward
zero to the nearest multiple of the specified

“GCD” (page 177)

The GCD function returns the greatest common
divisor of the specified numbers.


Numeric Functions