Finv, 255 finv – Apple iWork '09 User Manual
Page 255
Chapter 10
Statistical Functions
“Listing of Statistical Functions” on page 225
“Value Types” on page 36
“The Elements of Formulas” on page 15
“Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Create and Edit Formulas” on page 26
“Pasting from Examples in Help” on page 41
The FINV function returns the inverse of the F probability distribution.
FINV(prob, d-f-numerator, d-f-denominator)
prob: A probability associated with the distribution. prob is a number value and
must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.
d-f-numerator: The degrees of freedom to include as the numerator. d-f-numerator
is a number value and must be greater than or equal to 1. If there is a decimal
portion, it is ignored.
d-f-denominator: The degrees of freedom to include as the denominator. d-f-
denominator is a number value and must be greater than or equal to 1. If there is a
decimal portion, it is ignored.
=FINV(0.77, 1, 2) returns 0.111709428782599.
=FINV(0.77, 1, 1) returns 0.142784612191674.
=FINV(0.77, 2, 1) returns 0.34331253162422.
Related Topics
For related functions and additional information, see:
“Listing of Statistical Functions” on page 225
“Value Types” on page 36
“The Elements of Formulas” on page 15
“Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Create and Edit Formulas” on page 26
“Pasting from Examples in Help” on page 41