Loginv, 268 loginv – Apple iWork '09 User Manual

Page 268

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reg-ss: The regression sum of squares.
reside-ss: The residual sum of squares.

Usage Notes

It does not matter whether the known x values and known y values are in rows or


columns. In either case, the returned array is ordered by rows as illustrated in the
The example assumed five sets of known x values. If there were more or less than


five, the number of columns in the returned array would change accordingly (it is
always equal to the number of sets of known x values plus 1), but the number of
rows would remain constant.
If additional statistics are not specified in the arguments to LINEST, the returned


array is equal to the first row only.


The LOGINV function returns the inverse of the log-normal cumulative distribution
function of x.

LOGINV(probability, mean, stdev)


probability: A probability associated with the distribution. probability is a number
value and must be greater than 0 and less than 1.


mean: The mean of the natural logarithm, that is, ln


. mean is a number value and

is the average (arithmetic mean) of ln


; the natural logarithm of x.


stdev: The standard deviation of the population. stdev is a number value and must
be greater than 0.

Usage Notes

LOGINV is appropriate where the logarithm of x is normally distributed.



=LOGINV(0.78, 1.7, 2.2) returns 29.9289150377259.

Related Topics
For related functions and additional information, see:

“LN” on page 179

“LOGNORMDIST” on page 269

“Listing of Statistical Functions” on page 225

Value Types” on page 36


Chapter 10

Statistical Functions