Chapter 11: text functions, Listing of text functions, Chapter 11: text functions – Apple iWork '09 User Manual
Page 306: 306 listing of text functions, Text functions

The text functions help you work with strings of characters.
Listing of Text Functions
iWork provides these text functions for use with tables.
The CHAR function returns the character that
corresponds to a decimal Unicode character
The CLEAN function removes most common
nonprinting characters (Unicode character codes
0–31) from text.
The CODE function returns the decimal Unicode
number of the first character in a specified string.
“CONCATENATE” (page 310)
The CONCATENATE function joins (concatenates)
The DOLLAR function returns a string formatted
as a dollar amount from a given number.
The EXACT function returns TRUE if the argument
strings are identical in case and content.
The FIND function returns the starting position of
one string within another.
The FIXED function rounds a number to the
specified number of decimal places and then
returns the result as a string value.
The LEFT function returns a string consisting of
the specified number of characters from the left
end of a given string.
Text Functions