Apple iWork '09 User Manual

Page 227

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Chapter 10

Statistical Functions




“EXPONDIST” (page 253)

The EXPONDIST function returns the exponential
distribution of the specified form.

“FDIST” (page 254)

The FDIST function returns the F probability

“FINV” (page 255)

The FINV function returns the inverse of the F
probability distribution.

“FORECAST” (page 256)

The FORECAST function returns the forecasted y
value for a given x value based on sample values
using linear regression analysis.

“FREQUENCY” (page 257)

The FREQUENCY function returns an array of how
often data values occur within a range of interval

“GAMMADIST” (page 259)

The GAMMADIST function returns the gamma
distribution in the specified form.

“GAMMAINV” (page 260)

The GAMMAINV function returns the inverse
gamma cumulative distribution.

“GAMMALN” (page 260)

The GAMMALN function returns the natural
logarithm of the gamma function, G(x).

“GEOMEAN” (page 261)

The GEOMEAN function returns the geometric

“HARMEAN” (page 262)

The HARMEAN function returns the harmonic

“INTERCEPT” (page 262)

The INTERCEPT function returns the y-intercept
of the best-fit line for the collection using linear
regression analysis.

“LARGE” (page 264)

The LARGE function returns the n


-largest value

within a collection. The largest value is ranked
number 1.

“LINEST” (page 265)

The LINEST function returns an array of the
statistics for a straight line that best fits the given
data using the least squares method.

“LOGINV” (page 268)

The LOGINV function returns the inverse of the
log-normal cumulative distribution function of x.

“LOGNORMDIST” (page 269)

The LOGNORMDIST function returns the log-
normal distribution.

“MAX” (page 270)

The MAX function returns the largest number in
a collection.