Atan2, 331 atan2 – Apple iWork '09 User Manual

Page 331

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Chapter 12

Trigonometric Functions


“DEGREES” on page 334

TAN” on page 338

TANH” on page 339

“Listing of Trigonometric Functions” on page 326

Value Types” on page 36

The Elements of Formulas” on page 15

“Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Create and Edit Formulas” on page 26

“Pasting from Examples in Help” on page 41


The ATAN2 function returns the angle, relative to the positive x-axis, of the line passing
through the origin and the specified point.

ATAN2(x-point, y-point)


x-point: The x-coordinate of the point the line passes through. x-point is a number


y-point: The y-coordinate of the point the line passes through. y-point is a number

Usage Notes

The angle is expressed in radians, in the range –pi through +pi. To see the resulting


angle in degrees instead of radians, wrap this function in the DEGREES function; that
is, =DEGREES(ATAN2(x-point, y-point)).


=ATAN2(1, 1) returns 0.78539816 radians (45 degrees), the angle of a line segment from the origin to
point (1, 1).
=DEGREES(ATAN2(5, 5)) returns 45.

Related Topics
For related functions and additional information, see:

“ATAN” on page 330

“ATANH” on page 332

“DEGREES” on page 334

TAN” on page 338