Apple iWork '09 User Manual

Page 347

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Chapter 13

Additional Examples and Topics



Assets often have value remaining at the end of the depreciable life or the expected useful life. This is
the salvage value.
salvage is specified as a number, usually formatted as currency. salvage can be 0, but cannot be
Assume that you purchase a new digital photocopy machine for your office. The purchase price of
the photocopy machine was $2,625 with tax. The vendor charged $100 to deliver and set it up. The
photocopy machine is expected to be used for 4 years, at which time it is expected to have a resale
value of $400. salvage is $400.


Certain functions return principal or interest for a series of specified payments. start-per is used to
indicate the first payment to be included in the value returned. See also the discussion of end-per.
start-per is specified as a number and must be greater than 0.
Assume that you are purchasing a home. The mortgage broker offers you a loan with an initial
balance of $200,000, a term of 10 years, an annual interest rate of 6.0%, fixed monthly payments of
$1070.45, and a balance to be refinanced at maturity of $100,000. If you wished to know the total
amount of interest paid in the third year, start-per would be 25 and end-per would be 36.


Payments can be generalized to occur at the beginning or end of a period. when-due is used to
indicate whether a payment occurs at the beginning or end of a period.
when-due is a modal argument. It can be the number 0 or 1.


A value of 0 specifies that the payment is treated as being received or made at the end of each
period. 0 is the default value.


A value of 1 specifies that the payment is treated as being received or made at the beginning of
each period.

Assume that you are purchasing a home. The mortgage broker offers you a loan with an initial
balance of $200,000, a term of 10 years, an annual interest rate of 6.0%, fixed monthly payments,
and a balance to be refinanced at maturity of $100,000. when-due would be 0 (the default) since
payments are made at the end of each month. Or assume you own an apartment that you rent and
that you require the tenant to pay rent on the first of each month. when-due would be 1, since this
payment is being made by the tenant at the beginning of the monthly period.