Apple iWork '09 User Manual

Page 226

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“BETAINV” (page 237)

The BETAINV function returns the inverse of the
given cumulative beta distribution probability

“BINOMDIST” (page 238)

The BINOMDIST function returns the individual
term binomial distribution probability of the
specified form.

“CHIDIST” (page 239)

The CHIDIST function returns the one-tailed
probability of the chi-square distribution.

“CHIINV” (page 239)

The CHIINV function returns the inverse of
the one-tailed probability of the chi-square

“CHITEST” (page 240)

The CHITEST function returns the value from the
chi-square distribution for the given data.

“CONFIDENCE” (page 242)

The CONFIDENCE function returns a value for
creating a statistical confidence interval for a
sample from a population with a known standard

“CORREL” (page 242)

The CORREL function returns the correlation
between two collections using linear regression

“COUNT” (page 244)

The COUNT function returns the number of
its arguments that contain numbers, numeric
expressions, or dates.

“COUNTA” (page 245)

The COUNTA function returns the number of its
arguments that are not empty.

“COUNTBLANK” (page 246)

The COUNTBLANK function returns the number
of cells in a range that are empty.

“COUNTIF” (page 247)

The COUNTIF function returns the number of
cells in a range that satisfy a given condition.

“COUNTIFS” (page 248)

The COUNTIFS function returns the number of
cells in one or more ranges that satisfy given
conditions (one condition per range).

“COVAR” (page 250)

The COVAR function returns the covariance of
two collections.

“CRITBINOM” (page 252)

The CRITBINOM function returns the smallest
value for which the cumulative binomial
distribution is greater than or equal to a given

“DEVSQ” (page 253)

The DEVSQ function returns the sum of the
squares of deviations of a collection of numbers
from their average (arithmetic mean).


Chapter 10

Statistical Functions