Cumipmt, 110 cumipmt – Apple iWork '09 User Manual
Page 110

days-basis: An optional argument specifying the number of days per month and
days per year used in the calculations.
30/360 (0 or omitted): 30 days in a month, 360 days in a year, using the NASD
method for dates falling on the 31st of a month.
actual/actual (1): Actual days in each month, actual days in each year.
actual/360 (2): Actual days in each month, 360 days in a year.
actual/365 (3): Actual days in each month, 365 days in a year.
30E/360 (4): 30 days in a month, 360 days in a year, using the European method for
dates falling on the 31st of a month (European 30/360).
Assume you are considering the purchase of the hypothetical security described by the values listed.
You could use the COUPNUM function to determine the number of coupons you could expect
between the settlement date and the security’s maturity date. The function returns 23, since there
are 23 quarterly coupon payment dates between April 2, 2010, and December 31, 2015, with the first
being on June 30, 2010.
D2, E2, F2, G2)
Related Topics
For related functions and additional information, see:
“Common Arguments Used in Financial Functions” on page 341
“Listing of Financial Functions” on page 96
“Value Types” on page 36
“The Elements of Formulas” on page 15
“Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Create and Edit Formulas” on page 26
“Pasting from Examples in Help” on page 41
The CUMIPMT function returns the total interest included in loan or annuity payments
over a chosen time interval based on fixed periodic payments and a fixed interest rate.
CUMIPMT(periodic-rate, num-periods, present-value, starting-per, ending-per, when-due)
periodic-rate: The interest rate per period. periodic-rate is a number value and is
either entered as a decimal (for example, 0.08) or with a percent sign (for example, 8%).
Chapter 6
Financial Functions