Countif, 247 countif – Apple iWork '09 User Manual

Page 247

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Chapter 10

Statistical Functions


Related Topics
For related functions and additional information, see:

“COUNT” on page 244

“COUNTA” on page 245

“COUNTIF” on page 247

“COUNTIFS” on page 248

“Survey Results Example” on page 362

“Listing of Statistical Functions” on page 225

Value Types” on page 36

The Elements of Formulas” on page 15

“Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Create and Edit Formulas” on page 26

“Pasting from Examples in Help” on page 41


The COUNTIF function returns the number of cells in a range that satisfy a given

COUNTIF(test-array, condition)


test-array: The collection containing the values to be tested. test-array is a collection
that can contain any value type.


condition: An expression that results in a logical TRUE or FALSE. condition is an
expression that can contain anything as long as the result from comparing condition
to a value in test-array can be expressed as a Boolean value of TRUE or FALSE.

Usage Notes



test-array value is compared to condition. If the value meets the conditional

test, it is included in the count.