Chapter 7: logical and information functions, Listing of logical and information functions, Chapter 7: logical and information functions – Apple iWork '09 User Manual

Page 155: 155 listing of logical and information functions, Logical and information functions

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The logical and information functions help you to evaluate

the contents of cells and help in determining how to

evaluate or otherwise work with cell contents or formula


Listing of Logical and Information Functions

iWork provides these logical and information functions for use with tables.



“AND” (page 156)

The AND function returns TRUE if all arguments
are true, and FALSE otherwise.

“FALSE” (page 157)

The FALSE function returns the Boolean value
FALSE. This function is included for compatibility
with tables imported from other spreadsheet

“IF” (page 158)

The IF function returns one of two values
depending on whether a specified expression
evaluates to a Boolean value of TRUE or FALSE.

“IFERROR” (page 159)

The IFERROR function returns a value that you
specify if a given value evaluates to an error;
otherwise it returns the given value.

“ISBLANK” (page 160)

The ISBLANK function returns TRUE if the
specified cell is empty and FALSE otherwise.

“ISERROR” (page 161)

The ISERROR function returns TRUE if a given
expression evaluates to an error and FALSE


Logical and Information Functions