Rounddown, 192 rounddown – Apple iWork '09 User Manual

Page 192

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“EVEN” on page 173

“FLOOR” on page 176

“INT” on page 178

“MROUND” on page 183

“ODD” on page 185

“ROUNDDOWN” on page 192

“ROUNDUP” on page 193

TRUNC” on page 204

“More on Rounding” on page 355

“Listing of Numeric Functions” on page 167

Value Types” on page 36

The Elements of Formulas” on page 15

“Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Create and Edit Formulas” on page 26

“Pasting from Examples in Help” on page 41


The ROUNDDOWN function returns a number rounded toward zero (rounded down)
to the specified number of places.

ROUNDDOWN(num-to-round, digits)


num-to-round: The number to be rounded. num-to-round is a number value.


digits: The number of digits you want to retain, relative to the decimal point. digits
is a number value. A positive number represents digits (decimal places) to the right
of the decimal point to include. A negative number specifies digits to the left of the
decimal point to replace with zeros (the number of zeros at the end of the number).


=ROUNDDOWN(1.49, 0) returns 1.
=ROUNDDOWN(1.50, 0) returns 1.
=ROUNDDOWN(1.23456, 3) returns 1.234.
=ROUNDDOWN(1111.222, -2) returns 1100.
=ROUNDDOWN(-2.2, 0) returns -2.
=ROUNDDOWN(-2.8, 0) returns -2.


Chapter 8

Numeric Functions