Allied Telesis FORMULA 8200 User Manual
Formula, Fast ethernet workgroup switch
Table of contents
Document Outline
- user’s GUIDE
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- Chapter1
- Chapter2
- Accessing the Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Connecting the Console
- Observing the Power-On Self Test
- Logging In
- Entering Commands
- Configuring IP Information
- Verifying Firmware Information
- Using Telnet to Access the Switch
- Resetting and Rebooting the Switch
- Where to Go Next
- Chapter3
- Configuring the FORMULA8200 Switch
- Default Configurations
- Optimizing Functionality for Your Application
- Virtual LANs
- Configuring a Virtual LAN (VLAN)
- Configuring a Virtual Bridge
- Chapter4
- Operating and Managing the FORMULA8200 Switch
- Using Online Help
- Displaying the System Configuration
- Displaying Console Port Parameters
- Displaying Ethernet Port Settings Information
- Configuring Ethernet Port Settings
- Configuring Ethernet Port Statistics
- Displaying Ethernet Port Statistics Information
- Clearing a Port’s Statistics Counters
- Using Ethernet Port Mirroring
- Before using the port mirroring feature, you must ...
... - 2. Configure Ethernet ports to be monitored by ent...
- 3. Specify the type of traffic to be viewed on the...
- 4. Enter the number of the port to be the monitore...
- 5. Display the port mirroring configuration to con...
- 6. View the mirrored information by entering:
- 2. Enter the following command:
- 3. Enter D (uppercase) for Disable.
- 4. Enter ETHERNET/CONFIG/SNOOPMIRROR to make sure ...
- Before using the port mirroring feature, you must ...
- Displaying Virtual LAN (VLAN) Information
- Displaying Virtual Router Information
- Displaying Virtual Port Information
- Displaying Virtual Port Statistics
- Displaying Virtual Bridge Information
- Displaying Spanning Tree Port Parameters
- Displaying the Bridge Forwarding Table
- Upgrading Firmware
- 1. Your TFTP server must be running the TFTP daemo...
- 2. If you have Solaris“, refer to AppendixB for t...
- 3. If you have DOS or Windows, you have several op...
- 4. The IP address of the switch and the TFTP serve...
- 5. You need the latest FORMULA8200’s system softw...
- 6. Note the name of the FORMULA8200 system softwa...
- 7. Make sure the software file on your server has ...
- 8. Verify the physical connection from your TFTP s...
- Backing Up Your Current Configurations
- Configuring for the Download Process
- There is only enough space on the switch to store ...
- Displaying RIP Support Information
- Modifying the IP RIP Mode
- Configuring Static Routes
- Removing an IP Default Gateway
- Configuring SNMP Parameters
- Displaying SNMP Parameters
- Chapter5
- Command Reference
- ATM and FDDI Support
- Command Edit Mode
- ALIAS Command
- ALLCMD Command
- ATM Command
- BOOT Command
- CONSOLE Command
- ELOG Command
- ETHERNET Command
- Syntax
- Menu
- Table55 ETHERNET Command Parameters (Continued...
- 100Base-FX fiber ports are fixed at 100 Mbps and f...
- The FLUSH command does not work on static addresse...
- If the port’s statistics is enabled, statistics ga...
- EXIT Command
- FILE Command
- INET Command
- LOOKUP Command
- MODE Command
- PORTSERV Command
- REBOOT Command
- SNMP Command
- SYSTEM Command
- TFTP Command
- TOP Command
- UP Command
- VBRIDGE Command
- VLAN Command
- AppendixA
- AppendixB
- AppendixC
- Downloading Software at the [VxWorks] Prompt
- Firmware Upgrade Using FTP/TFTP
- 1. Your TFTP server must be running the TFTP daemo...
- 2. If you have Solaris“, refer to AppendixB for t...
- 3. If you have DOS or Windows, you have several op...
- 4. The IP address of the switch and the TFTP serve...
- 5. You need the latest FORMULA8200’s system softw...
- 6. Note the name of the FORMULA8200 system softwa...
- 7. Make sure the software file on your server has ...
- 8. Verify the physical connection from your TFTP s...
- Backing Up Your Current Configurations
- Configuring for the TFTP Download Process
- There is only enough space on the switch to store ...
- If the image file did not load successfully, reset...
- 8. Press the reset button located on the front pan...
- 9. Quickly press any key.
- 10. Enter c to set the boot parameters for loading...
- 11. Respond to each prompt, beginning with the boo...
- TableC2 Parameters for Loading the New Image So...
- Firmware Upgrade Using Zmodem
- Before proceeding, make sure you back up your conf...
- 1. Start the HyperTerminal application.
- 2. Reset the FORMULA8200.
- 3. Quickly press any key.
- 4. Enter F at the prompt to format the flash and c...
- 5. Quickly press any key to stop auto-boot.
- 6. Enter c to change the parameters for downloadin...
- 7. Respond to each prompt, beginning with boot dev...
- TableC3 Parameters for Downloading the Image So...
- TableC4 Parameters for Loading the New Image Fi...
- Before proceeding, make sure you back up your conf...
- In Case of Problems With the Software Upgrade