Cas end user term and conditions – HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual
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Page C-13
To navigate quickly to a particular command in the help facility list without
having to use the arrow keys all the time, we can use a shortcut consisting of
typing the first letter in the command’s name. Suppose that we want to find
information on the command IBP (Integration By Parts), once the help facility list
is available, use the ~ key (first key in the fourth row from the bottom of the
keyboard) followed by the key for the letter i (the same as the key I) , i.e.,
. This will take you automatically to the first command that starts with an
i, namely, IBASIS. Then, you can use the down arrow key ˜ , twice, to find
the command IBP. Pressing the
!!@@OK#@ F key, we activate the help facility for
this command. Press
@!MAIN F to recover the main list of commands, or @EXIT
to exit the facility.
References for non-CAS commands
The help facility contains entries for all the commands developed for the CAS
(Computer Algebraic System). There is a large number of other functions and
commands that were originally developed for the HP 48G series calculators
that are not included in the help facility. Good references for those commands
are the HP 48G Series User’s Guide (HP Part No. 00048-90126) and the HP
48G Series Advanced User’s Reference Manual (HP Part No. 00048-90136)
both published by Hewlett-Packard Company, Corvallis, Oregon, in 1993.
CAS End User Term and Conditions
Use of the CAS Software requires from the user an appropriate mathematical
knowledge. There is no warranty for the CAS Software, to the extent permitted
by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holder
provides the CAS Software "As Is" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the
quality and performance of the CAS Software is with you. Should the CAS
Software prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair
or correction.