Chapter 14 multi-variate calculus applications, Multi-variate functions, Partial derivatives – HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual

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Chapter 14
Multi-variate Calculus Applications

Multi-variate calculus refers to functions of two or more variables. In this
Chapter we discuss the basic concepts of multi-variate calculus including partial
derivatives and multiple integrals.

Multi-variate functions

A function of two or more variables can be defined in the calculator by using
the DEFINE function (

„à). To illustrate the concept of partial derivative,

we will define a couple of multi-variate functions, f(x,y) = x cos(y), and g(x,y,z)
= (x






sin(z), as follows:

We can evaluate the functions as we would evaluate any other calculator
function, e.g.,

Graphics of two-dimensional functions are possible using Fast3D, Wireframe,
Ps-Contour, Y-Slice, Gridmap, and Pr-Surface plots as described in Chapter 12.

Partial derivatives

Consider the function of two variables z = f(x,y), the partial derivative of the
function with respect to x is defined by the limit