Zooming in and out in the graphics display, Zfact, zin, zout, and zlast, X,y ,12-47 – HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 430: Zooming in and out in the graphics display ,12-47, Zfact, zin, zout, and zlast ,12-47

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Page 12-47


This command copies the coordinates of the current cursor position, in user
coordinates, in the stack.

Zooming in and out in the graphics display

Whenever you produce a two-dimensional FUNCTION graphic interactively,
the first soft-menu key, labeled

@)ZOOM, lets you access functions that can be used

to zoom in and out in the current graphics display. The ZOOM menu includes
the following functions (press Lto move to the next menu):

We present each of these functions following. You just need to produce a
graph as indicated in Chapter 12, or with one of the programs listed earlier in
this Chapter.



@)ZFACT produces an input screen that allows you to change the current

X- and Y-Factors. The X- and Y-Factors relate the horizontal and vertical user-
defined unit ranges to their corresponding pixel ranges. Change the H-Factor
to read 8., and press

@@@OK@@@, then change the V-Factor to read 2., and press

@@@OK@@. Check off the option Recenter on cursor, and press @@@OK@@.

Back in the graphics display, press

@@ZIN@ . The graphic is re-drawn with the new

vertical and horizontal scale factors, centered at the position where the cursor
was located, while maintaining the original PICT size (i.e., the original number
of pixels in both directions). Using the arrow keys, scroll horizontally or
vertically as far as you can of the zoomed-in graph.

To zoom out, subjected to the H- and V-Factors set with ZFACT, press


@ZOUT. The resulting graph will provide more detail than the zoomed-in graph.