HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual
Page 386

Page 12-3
Θ Enter the PLOT environment by pressing „ñ(press them
simultaneously if in RPN mode). Press
@ADD to get you into the equation
writer. You will be prompted to fill the right-hand side of an equation
Y1(x) = . Type the function to be plotted so that the Equation Writer
shows the following:
Θ Press ` to return to the PLOT - FUNCTION window. The expression
‘Y1(X) = EXP(-X^2/2)/
√(2*π)’ will be highlighted. Press L@@@OK@@@ to
return to normal calculator display.
ΘNote: You will notice that a new variable, called PPAR, shows up in your
soft menu key labels. This stands for Plot PARameters. To see its contents,
press ‚
@PPAR. A detailed explanation of the contents of PPAR is
provided later in this Chapter. Press ƒ to drop this line from the stack.
Note: Two new variables show up in your soft menu key labels, namely EQ
and Y1. To see the contents of EQ, use ‚
@@@EQ@@. The content of EQ is
simply the function name ‘Y1(X)’. The variable EQ is used by the calculator
to store the equation, or equations, to plot.
To see the contents of Y1 press ‚
@@@Y1@@. You will get the function Y1(X)
defined as the program: