The deriv&integ menu, Calculating derivatives with – HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual

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in ALG mode. Recall that in RPN mode the arguments must be entered before
the function is applied.


The functions available in this sub-menu are listed below:

Out of these functions DERIV and DERVX are used for derivatives. The other
functions include functions related to anti-derivatives and integrals (IBP, INTVX,
PREVAL, RISCH, SIGMA, and SIGMAVX), to Fourier series (FOURIER),and to
vector analysis (CURL, DIV, HESS, LAPL). Next we discuss functions DERIV and
DERVX, the remaining functions are presented either later in this Chapter or in
subsequent Chapters.

Calculating derivatives with

The symbol is available as ‚¿ (the T key). This symbol can be used to
enter a derivative in the stack or in the Equation Writer (see Chapter 2). If you
use the symbol to write a derivative into the stack, follow it immediately with the
independent variable, then by a pair of parentheses enclosing the function to