Interactive drawing, Interactive drawing ,12-43 – HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual

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Page 12-43

Interactive drawing

Whenever we produce a two-dimensional graph, we find in the graphics screen
a soft menu key labeled

@)EDIT. Pressing @)EDIT produces a menu that include the

following options (press L to see additional functions):

Through the examples above, you have the opportunity to try out functions
LABEL, MENU, PICT , and REPL. Many of the remaining functions, such as
DOT+, DOT-, LINE, BOX, CIRCL, MARK, DEL, etc., can be used to draw points,
lines, circles, etc. on the graphics screen, as described below. To see how to
use these functions we will try the following exercise:

First, we get the graphics screen corresponding to the following instructions:

Θ Press „ô, simultaneously if in RPN mode, to access to the PLOT

SETUP window.

Θ Change




, if needed

Θ Change EQ to ‘X’
Θ Make sure that Indep: is set to ‘X’ also
Θ Press L@@@OK@@@ to return to normal calculator display.
Θ Press „ò, simultaneously if in RPN mode, to access the PLOT

window (in this case it will be called PLOT –POLAR window).

Θ Change the H-VIEW range to –10 to 10, by using 10\@@@OK@@@

10@@@OK@@@, and the V-VIEW range to -5 to 5 by using

5\@@@OK@@@ 5@@@OK@@@.

Θ Press @ERASE @DRAW to plot the function.
Θ Press @EDIT L @LABEL to add labels to the graph. Press LL (or

„«) to recover the original EDIT menu.