Operations with units, The units menu, Operations with units ,3-17 – HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 147: The units menu ,3-17

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Page 3-17

Selecting any of these entries will place the value selected, whether a symbol
(e.g., e, i,


, MINR, or MAXR) or a value (2.71.., (0,1), 3.14.., 1E-499,

9.99..E499) in the stack.
Please notice that e is available from the keyboard as exp(1), i.e.,

, in ALG mode, or 1` „¸, in RPN mode. Also,


is available directly from the keyboard as „ì. Finally, i is available by
using „¥.

Operations with units

Numbers in the calculator can have units associated with them. Thus, it is
possible to calculate results involving a consistent system of units and produce
a result with the appropriate combination of units.

The UNITS menu

The units menu is launched by the keystroke combination ‚Û(associated
with the 6 key). With system flag 117 set to CHOOSE boxes, the result is
the following menu:

Option 1. Tools.. contains functions used to operate on units (discussed later).
Options 3. Length.. through 17.Viscosity.. contain menus with a number of units
for each of the quantities described. For example, selecting option 8. Force..
shows the following units menu: