Preface – HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual
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You have in your hands a compact symbolic and numerical computer that will
facilitate calculation and mathematical analysis of problems in a variety of
disciplines, from elementary mathematics to advanced engineering and science
subjects. Although referred to as a calculator, because of its compact format
resembling typical hand-held calculating devices, the HP 50g should be
thought of as a graphics/programmable hand-held computer.
The HP 50g can be operated in two different calculating modes, the Reverse
Polish Notation (RPN) mode and the Algebraic (ALG) mode (see page 1-13 for
additional details). The RPN mode was incorporated into calculators to make
calculations more efficient. In this mode, the operands in an operation (e.g., ‘2’
and ‘3’ in the operation ‘2+3’) are entered into the calculator screen, referred
to as the stack, and then the operator (e.g., ‘+’ in the operation ‘2+3’) is
entered to complete the operation. The ALG mode, on the other hand, mimics
the way you type arithmetic expressions in paper. Thus, the operation ‘2+3’, in
ALG mode, will be entered in the calculator by pressing the keys ‘2’, ‘+’, and
‘3’, in that order. To complete the operation we use the ENTER key. Examples
of applications of the different functions and operations in this calculator are
illustrated in this user’s guide in both modes.
This guide contains examples that illustrate the use of the basic calculator
functions and operations. The chapters are organized by subject in order of
difficulty. Starting with the setting of calculator modes and display options, and
continuing with real and complex number calculations, operations with lists,
vectors, and matrices, detailed examples of graph applications, use of strings,
basic programming, graphics programming, string manipulation, advanced
calculus and multivariate calculus applications, advanced differential equations
applications (including Laplace transform, and Fourier series and transforms),
and probability and statistic applications.