HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual
Page 7

Page TOC-3
Other flags of interest ,2-66
CHOOSE boxes vs. Soft MENU ,2-67
Selected CHOOSE boxes ,2-69
Chapter 3 - Calculation with real numbers ,3-1
Checking calculators settings ,3-1
Checking calculator mode ,3-2
Real number calculations ,3-2
Changing sign of a number, variable, or expression ,3-3
The inverse function ,3-3
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division ,3-3
Using parentheses ,3-4
Absolute value function ,3-4
Squares and square roots ,3-5
Powers and roots ,3-5
Base-10 logarithms and powers of 10 ,3-5
Using powers of 10 in entering data ,3-6
Natural logarithms and exponential function ,3-6
Trigonometric functions ,3-6
Inverse trigonometric functions ,3-6
Differences between functions and operators ,3-7
Real number functions in the MTH menu ,3-7
Hyperbolic functions and their inverses ,3-9
Real number functions ,3-11
Special functions ,3-14
Calculator constants ,3-16
Operations with units ,3-17
The UNITS menu ,3-17
Available units ,3-19
Converting to base units ,3-22
Attaching units to numbers ,3-23
Operations with units ,3-25
Units manipulation tools ,3-27