HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual
Page 21

Page TOC-17
Numerical solution of first-order ODE ,16-57
Graphical solution of first-order ODE ,16-59
Numerical solution of second-order ODE ,16-61
Graphical solution for a second-order ODE ,16-63
Numerical solution for stiff first-order ODE ,16-65
Numerical solution to ODEs with the SOLVE/DIFF menu ,16-67
Function RKF ,16-67
Function RRK ,16-68
Function RKFSTEP ,16-69
Function RRKSTEP ,16-70
Function RKFERR ,16-71
Function RSBERR ,16-71
Chapter 17 - Probability Applications ,17-1
The MTH/PROBABILITY.. sub-menu - part 1 ,17-1
Factorials, combinations, and permutations ,17-1
Random numbers ,17-2
Discrete probability distributions ,17-3
Binomial distribution ,17-4
Poisson distribution ,17-5
Continuous probability distributions ,17-6
The gamma distribution ,17-6
The exponential distribution ,17-6
The beta distribution ,17-7
The Weibull distribution ,17-7
Functions for continuous distributions ,17-7
Continuous distributions for statistical inference ,17-9
Normal distribution pdf ,17-9
Normal distribution cdf ,17-10
The Student-t distribution ,17-10
The Chi-square distribution ,17-11
The F distribution ,17-12