Example 1, Options (general), Examples – HP Insight Cluster Management Utility User Manual
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values to be generated for %xi and the IP since intervening slots without cartridges won't effect
their values.
-p hostname_prefix
If this option is specified, the host name specified in -h must be a fixed string and have a
numeric suffix. For example, 'n01', 'node_01', 'zeus001'. The suffix is incrementally increased
to create subsequent host names. The hostname_prefix is the leading characters intended
to be common to all compute node names. For example, if the first host name is 'zeus001' the
prefix is 'zeus'.
OPTIONS (general)
-i first_ip_addr
Use first_ip_addr as the first node IP address. The IP address is incrementally increased
to create subsequent addresses. Addresses should be of the form w.x.y.z where
0<=w,x,y,z<=255. For HP iLO CM, this should be the IP address for the first node in the first
cartridge slot. As part of the IP generation, addresses are incrementally increased to account
for each slot without a cartridge as is done for %xi.
-t BMC_type
String specifying the BMC type. (e.g. ILO, ILOCM)
-f BMC_ip_addr_file
Specifies a file of BMC IP addresses to be scanned. IP addresses should be white-space or line
separated in the file. This option can be used separately from or in addition to the -b option.
-b BMC_ip_addr
is a comma-separated list (no spaces) of the BMC addresses to scan. When
only one BMC address is provided, the -n option can be used to generate a sequential set of
addresses to scan. When the BMC type is ILOCM, multiple nodes may be scanned per BMC
-n num_to_discover
This option is only valid when one BMC IP address is specified in -b. num_to_discover is
the number of consecutive BMC addresses to scan beginning at BMC_ip_addr. When the
BMC type is ILOCM, multiple nodes may be scanned per BMC address. The default is n = 1.
-m netmask
Use netmask as the subnet mask for the generated node definitions. netmask should be of
the form w.x.y.z where 0<=w,x,y,z<=255.
-a architecture
Use the specified architecture in the generated node definitions. Valid architectures are defined
by CMU_VALID_ARCHITECTURE_TYPES in cmuserver.conf. Defaults to first architecture
-N NIC_num
(ILOCM only) Specifies which compute node NIC is connected to the admin network. All
discovered compute nodes are assumed to be connected on the same NIC. By default, NIC_num
is 1. NIC_num must be > 0.
-o output_file
Write node definitions to output_file rather than inserting them into the HP Insight CMU
database. Nodes can subsequently be added to the database using cmu_add_node.
Example 1
To scan 128 sequential ILO addresses starting at and put node definitions similar to the
following in the HP Insight CMU database: