11 multiple windows broadcast, 12 single window pdsh, Multiple windows broadcast command – HP Insight Cluster Management Utility User Manual

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7.11 Multiple windows broadcast

This task is available when one or more nodes are selected. The following connections are available
for multiple windows broadcast:

A secure shell connection through the network, when the network is up on selected nodes.

Connection through the management card, if selected nodes have a management card.

The multiple windows broadcast command launches a master console window and concurrent
mirrored secure shell sessions embedded in an x term on all selected nodes. All input entered on
the master console window is broadcast to the secure shell sessions an selected nodes. This enables
the system administrator to issue the same command on several nodes by entering it only once.
To issue commands to a specific node, enter the input directly in the desired x term for that node.

To improve the x term window display appearance, every window can be shifted in x and y from
the previous one to fit on the screen. By default, the shift values are computed so the windows tile
the screen and no window appears outside of the screen.

If you do not need to visualize the secure shell sessions, or do not want to overcrowd the display,
you can start with the x term windows minimized.

Figure 59 Multiple windows broadcast command


The console broadcast displays x term windows, but is limited by the number of TTYs and

the display capacity of the X server. HP recommends limiting the multiple window command to 64
nodes at the same time.

7.12 Single window pdsh

The single window pdsh command uses a single terminal to execute commands on several nodes
in parallel, at one time. The output of pdsh can be piped to a filter which formats the output from
all the selected nodes in a synthetic form that omits repetitions of identical results. You can choose
between two filtering options:




7.11 Multiple windows broadcast