2 modifying the actionandalerts.txt file – HP Insight Cluster Management Utility User Manual

Page 101

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For HP Insight CMU diskless configurations, only use the DaemonCommands

options provided in the example above. Do not use any option which causes disk I/O.


Start collectl:

# /etc/init.d/collectl start

Starting collectl: [ OK ]


Configure collectl to start automatically:

# chkconfig --add collectl

collectl 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off Modifying the ActionAndAlerts.txt file

The ActionAndAlerts.txt file contains definitions for using collectl monitoring. These lines
are commented out so HP Insight CMU works in native mode by default, without collectl. If
you want to switch to collectl, you must comment native and uncomment collectl in

. For example:

#- Native
#cpuload "% cpu load (raw)"1 numerical MeanOverTime 100 % awk '/cpu / {printf"%d\n",$2+$3+$4}' /proc/stat
#- Collectl
cpuload "% cpu load (normalized)" 1 numerical Instantaneous 100 % COLLECTL (cputotals.user) + (cputotals.nice)
+ (cputotals.sys)

The command field must start with the string “COLLECTL” in capital letters. The line continues with
a series of collectl variables included in parenthesis and connected with arithmetical operators.
For this example, the cpuload metric reports the sum of cputotals.user, cputotals.nice, and

For a full list of available collectl variables, run the collectl command interactively, as

# collectl –c 1 -s+C --export lexpr

The -c 1 option runs one shot only. The command output is the list of collectl variables and
the current value:

waiting for 1 second sample...
sample.time 1217858718.002
cputotals.user 1
cputotals.nice 0
cputotals.sys 0
cputotals.wait 7
cputotals.irq 0
cputotals.soft 0
cputotals.steal 0
cputotals.idle 90
ctxint.ctx 239 1073
ctxint.proc 4
ctxint.runq 152
disktotals.reads 0
disktotals.readkbs 0
disktotals.writes 11
disktotals.writekbs 80
nettotals.kbin 4
nettotals.pktin 49
nettotals.kbout 6
nettotals.pktout 17
cpuinfo.user.cpu0 0
cpuinfo.nice.cpu0 0
cpuinfo.sys.cpu0 0
cpuinfo.wait.cpu0 0

6.5 Customizing HP Insight CMU monitoring, alerting, and reactions