Autoloaders, Tape drives, Operating system specific – HP Library and Tape Tools User Manual
Page 12: Generic to tool

In a library with mixed drive technologies, drive firmware cannot be downloaded from the
library firmware download screen. Each drive must be selected individually for download
(Future enhancement).
If a device is in a 'Not Ready' state, L&TT may not be able to perform all diagnostic functions.
Most devices are only very briefly in this state, but some libraries can take a significant amount
of time after power-up or after a firmware download before becoming ready. If this problem
is encountered, wait until the device is in a ready state and then use L&TT. (Future enhancement)
DAT72x6—After using the L&TT front panel and then closing L&TT, the autoloader is left
‘locked'. This is expected product behavior. The work around is to eject the magazine to
DDS2/3/4 autoloaders do not function in L&TT with the option switch value set to return the
standalone drive ID. This causes an ‘unsupport product' response. L&TT works fine with the
switch in the default position. This is an expected product behavior.
Tape drives
USB devices—Hot plugging a device (such as a USB memory stick) on the same USB bus as
a Tape Drive causes a bus reset. Any test in progress on the drive may fail.
DLT 8000—Firmware upgrade appears to fail with LSI U320 HBA. It does actually upgrade
OK. Using firmware upgrade tape works fine.
LTO-6 drive—Part number is not displayed in the support ticket.
Operating system specific
Windows—Device scan fails intermittently with 'Unexpected Win32 error encountered during
I/O scanning: 2' error message. To work around this problem, perform a full rescan.
Windows Vista, Windows 2007 and Windows 2008—L&TT at times APPCRASH on exit.
Windows—If installing with Microsoft Installer package 4.5, manually uninstall the previous
version else the installation remains incomplete.
HP-UX—Running the LTO Drive Assessment test on multiple drives concurrently can cause a
core dump. The exact number is not known but is in the region of 8 or more.
Linux in CLF (command line) mode—LTO Drive Assessment test output scrolls off the screen at
the end of the test. Test results are found in the ResultLog.ltt files.
Mac—Device performance tests are limited to approximately 220 MB/s. L&TT fails to check
the availability of the latest firmware as the Get files from web feature is not supported.
OpenVMS—L&TT fails to check the availability of the latest firmware as the Get files from web
feature is not supported.
VMware—L&TT has limited testing and support for standalone SAS drives and all libraries.
The install check and system performance tests are not supported and therefore, no known
issues can be found.
Generic to tool
There is some inconsistency between the reporting of data capacity and volume between tests.
Some tests report data are based on the power of 10, whereas the other report data based
on the power of 2. L&TT is transitioning to the power of 10–based reporting to match industry
If L&TT fails to automatically verify successful completion of a firmware update and is re-selected
from the previous scan, L&TT may exit with an exception. The possible cause is that the