HP StorageWorks Enterprise File Services WAN Accelerator User Manual

Page 28

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Advanced Options

VLAN Tag ID. Select the VLAN identification number from the drop-down list to set
the VLAN tag ID. All specifies the rule applies to all VLANs; Untagged specifies the
rule applies to non-tagged connections.

The HP EFS WAN Accelerator supports VLAN 802.1q. To configure VLAN tagging you
perform the following tasks:

• You configure in-path rules to apply to all VLANs or to a specific VLAN. By default,

rules apply to all VLAN values unless you specify a particular VLAN Tag
Identification Number (ID). Pass-through traffic maintains any pre-existing VLAN
tagging between the LAN and WAN interfaces.

• You set the in-path interfaces, VLAN tag IDs to define the VLAN tag that the HP EFS

WAN Accelerator uses to communicate with other HP EFS WAN Accelerator. For
detailed information, see

“Setting In-Path Interfaces” on page 42


Optimization Policy. Optionally, if you have selected an Auto-Discovery or Fixed
rule, you can configure the following types of optimization policies:

Normal. Perform Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression and Scalable Data Referencing


SDR-Only. Perform SDR; do not perform LZ compression.

Compression-Only. Perform LZ compression; do not perform SDR.

None. Do not perform SDR or LZ compression.

Setting an optimization policy allows you more flexibility in applying optimization
techniques. For example, if you have a network that requires 45 Mbps or higher with
abundant bandwidth, you do not need to perform LZ compression to obtain maximum
optimization of data. Turning off LZ compression also increases throughput on large
bandwidth networks.

To configure optimization policies for the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) data channel,
define an in-path rule with the destination port 20 and set its optimization policy. Setting
QoS for port 20 on the client-side HP EFS WAN Accelerator effects passive FTP, while
setting the QoS for port 20 on the server-side HP EFS WAN Accelerator effects active

To configure optimization policies for the Messaging Application Protocol Interface
(MAPI) data channel, define an in-path rule with the destination port 7830 and set its
optimization policy.

