HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual
Page 97

3 Server Software Installation and Configuration
Perform the following steps to install ASR for SCO UNIX:
1. Run the custom installation program, custom, from the command line.
2. Select the Install option.
3. Select A New Product from the list of products.
4. Select Entire Product from the options list.
5. Insert the disk labeled HP Remote Assistant SCO UNIX ASR Driver Diskette in the
default floppy drive.
6. Select the HP NetServer ASR Package.
7. Follow the prompts to relink the kernel, save it as the default kernel, and rebuild
the kernel environment.
8. Quit custom install.
9. Shut down the system and reboot it.
You may want to configure your system to automatically run asrdaemon
when the system is booted.
Deinstalling and Reinstalling ASR Software
The SCO driver and programs can be deinstalled using the Remove option in the
custom installation program. It can be reinstalled using the Install option, although it
is safest to remove it first.
Configuration and Execution of ASR for SCO UNIX
1. Install the SCO ASR package as detailed above.
2. Run the asrdaemon program. You can verify that the daemon is running by using
the ps command (for example, ps -ef | grep asr).
3. Start the timer using the asrcontrol program with the -s option. You can verify that
the notification process has been started by looking for a second instance of
asrdaemon using the 'ps' command.
4. If you wish to disable ASR, run the asrcontrol program with the -x option. You can
verify that the notification process has been stopped by checking that there is only
one instance of asrdaemon running.
The only way to specify a new timeout value is to stop and restart the timer.