HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual

Page 80

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3 Server Software Installation and Configuration


so, you need an EISA Configuration Utility disk (created from the HP NetServer
Navigator CD-ROM) or the HP NetServer #1 Disk—provided with older HP

When the utility and its associated files are copied to the hard disk, the Installer
automatically creates the directory C:\CF in which to store it.


If you choose to install the EISA Configuration Utility on the server hard
disk and then install other EISA components in the server, configuration
files for those components must also be copied into the C:\CF directory.

4. Select Yes to continue.

The Installer copies the server software to the server hard disk. If you specified
installation of the EISA Configuration Utility, you are prompted to insert the disk
on which the utility is stored.

The Installer copies the HP Remote Assistant Configuration Utility, the keyboard
layout files and the DOS file transfer utility to the directory \HPRA

After all the files are copied, another prompt appears asking if you want the
server's AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files updated.

If you confirm the update, the Installer modifies AUTOEXEC.BAT to insert the
HPRA directory in the current path and add the HPRADRIVE environment
variable. The program also modifies the CONFIG.SYS file to include the
parameters, files=20 and buffers=20. (If you choose to update the files, the Installer
retains copies of the originals in the files AUTOEXEC.HRA and CONFIG.HRA.)

5. Select Yes to continue.

When you confirm the update, the Installer modifies the files, then prompts you to
reboot the system.

Any changes made by the Installer take effect after you reboot the server.


DOS limits the length of the PATH statement to 127 characters. If the update
would require more than the number of allowed characters in the PATH
statement, the Installer leaves AUTOEXEC.BAT in its original form and
informs you that you must modify the PATH statement in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it is within the allowable length.

If you waive the update, the Installer quits.

6. Restart the server.