Compiling the mib under openview – HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual
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5 Using HPRA to Manage Server Operations
Using the SNMP Manager to Query HP
Remote Assistant
Installation of the HP Remote Assistant SNMP Agent and MIB permits compiling and
querying of the MIB under any management platform that supports SNMP, including
HP OpenView and Novell NMS. When compiled, the MIB tells the SNMP Manager
which HP Remote Assistant device variables are available for querying or setting.
HP Remote Assistant supplies SNMP Agents for Novell NetWare and
Microsoft Windows NT servers only.
This section provides an example of compiling a MIB and performing a query under
HP OpenView for Windows, version 7.2. See the documentation provided with your
SNMP management platform for equivalent instructions for configuring and querying
the MIB.
Compiling the MIB Under OpenView
HP OpenView for Windows comes with a MIB-2 SNMP database compiled from
RFC1213.MIB. If you are compiling the MIB under OpenView 7.2, perform the
following steps to add the HP Remote Assistant MIB file to the database:
1. Insert the disk labeled HP Remote Assistant Server Diskette into a floppy drive on
the management station (for example, drive A:).
2. Start HP OpenView.
3. Choose Manage Database from SNMP Manager in the Control menu.
4. Click Select in the Manage Database window.
5. Select the file A:\MIB\HPRA.MIB for compiling and click OK.
6. Click Add to begin the compile.
The compile may take several minutes to complete. Once started, you cannot
terminate the process.
After compiling the MIB under OpenView, you can use the SNMP Manager to query
HP Remote Assistant EISA Boards installed on network servers.