Remote terminal – HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual
Page 62

2 Hardware Installation and Configuration
page you or the server is set to dial you back during a remote connection). The baud
rate defines the data transmission line speed between the serial port on your HP
Remote Assistant and the serial port on the external modem (via a serial switch box or
terminal server). Enter the initialization string and select the appropriate baud rate,
then press F10 to complete the communications configuration.
Remote Terminal
The Configuration Utility provides an option for specifying the characteristics of your
remote terminal's display. Choose the Remote Terminal command in the Customize
Configuration Menu to display the Remote Terminal window.
For display type, you can select color or monochrome to specify how colors displayed
on the server console are translated to the remote console. For character set, you can
select ANSI or Extended PC. For terminal mode, you can specify either 24-line or 25-
line display. Select the appropriate radio buttons to specify the terminal settings, then
press F10 to accept the terminal settings. Press ESC to discard any changes you made
in the Remote Terminal window.
If you are using the Terminal Plus application provided with HP Remote Assistant, use
the default settings in the Remote Terminal window. If your terminal or terminal
emulator does not support 25 lines or the extended PC character set, select the
If it is configured for 24-line display, HP Remote Assistant will not display
the second-to-last line on the server screen during console redirection.