HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual
Page 143

6 Troubleshooting
I seem to be missing a line of text when using console redirection.
This is to be expected when the HP Remote Assistant terminal settings are configured
for 24-line display. If possible use a terminal emulator (like Terminal Plus) that
supports 25-line mode.
During console redirection my screen gets out of synch.
This can happen when HP Remote Assistant is configured for 25-line mode but the
terminal emulator only supports 24 lines.
While using console redirection, I start up Microsoft Windows NT but do
not see any graphics.
NT graphics console redirection is managed via pcANYWHERE32. Select NT
Graphics Console Redirection from the Console Redirection menu.
When connected to HP Remote Assistant, I am logged off after several
minutes of inactivity.
HP Remote Assistant automatically terminates a connection after five minutes of
inactivity. This is a security feature that protects server access by unauthorized users.
(This feature cannot be disabled.)
Some of the characters I type from the remote console appear wrong on
the server screen.
Make sure that the keyboard layout is configured correctly for HP Remote Assistant.
The layout should match the keyboard driver used by the server's network operating
system. Also, to properly display extended ASCII characters remotely, terminal and
server character sets must match. For example, when using Terminal Plus for remote
console, the server must be configured to display Code Page 437.
See Appendix I for more information on international keyboard support.
I configured HP Remote Assistant for a French keyboard, but I still can't
type the characters и, й, and Ç from the remote console.
These characters cannot be typed from the remote console because they are not part of
the standard terminal character set. Some operating systems support the use of "dead
keys" so that these characters can be typed using combinations of standard characters.
For example, to type é under OS/2, type ' then type e. If the operating system supports
it, this approach will also work from the remote console.