Setting up the snmp agent for netware – HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual
Page 83

3 Server Software Installation and Configuration
Setting Up the SNMP Agent for NetWare
The SNMP Agent NLM (HPRAGENT.NLM) file provided on your HP Remote
Assistant Server Diskette permits SNMP-based network access of HP Remote Assistant
information and alarms for servers running Novell NetWare. This section provides
instructions for installing, loading, and configuring the Agent.
Installing the SNMP Agent
This installation procedure assumes that a Novell NetWare server has already been set
up correctly.
Perform the following steps to install SNMP access for NetWare:
1. Insert the disk labeled HP Remote Assistant Server Disk into a floppy drive on the
client (for example, drive A:).
2. Map a drive letter from the client to the server's SYS:\SYSTEM directory.
3. Copy the HPRADRV.NLM and HPRAGENT.NLM program files from
A:\NETWARE to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory.
To enable SNMP access automatically each time your server is started:
Insert the command
into the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file,
then restart the server.
To enable SNMP access manually:
Type the command
at the server's console prompt and press
See the following section for information on options you can add to the Load
command to establish the community name used in SNMP traps.
After the SNMP agent software has been installed, you can use OpenView or another
SNMP management platform to display alarms for the different types of events
monitored by HP Remote Assistant. For more information on setting up and viewing
in-band alarms, see the section, "Viewing HP Remote Assistant Alarms in HP
NetServer Assistant," in Chapter 5.