HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual

Page 84

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3 Server Software Installation and Configuration


Setting Up a Community

The HP Remote Assistant SNMP Agent requires that the NetWare Agent NLM
(SNMP.NLM) already be loaded. If it is not loaded before HPRAGENT, it will be
loaded automatically without optional parameters. To add options that set up a
community, you must load SNMP.NLM before HPRAGENT.

Use the following command format to add options to the LOAD command:



The options allow you to establish the community name used in SNMP traps. The
Agent also provides default community names (defined later in this section) for the
monitor (read-only) and control (read/write) communities. The Agent uses these
names for access control. The community name contained in a request message from
an SNMP management station must match the name established by the Agent.


If the Agent receives a request PDU whose community name is not
authorized, the Agent does not respond to the request. For example, suppose
the control community name is SECRET, and the Agent receives a
SETRequest PDU with a community name of PUBLIC. The Agent discards
the SETRequest PDU and does not respond.

Community types can also be disabled. When a community type is disabled, no
management entity can access information for that community. For example, if you
disable the control community, no one can use the Agent to do SET operations against
the data the Agent manages.

Community Name Options

The LOAD command line accepts three SNMP option parameters, as follows:


Describes the read-only community (the
community that is allowed to do GET and GET
NEXT operations). The default value is public.


Describes the read/write community (the
community that is allowed to do SET operations).
Any community name established for read/write
access is also valid for read-only access.


Describes the community name used for traps. The
default value is public.


If the trap community name is disabled, the Agent does not send traps.