HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual

Page 107

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4 Setting Up the Remote Console



In addition to the special keys emulated with ANSI escape sequences, HP
Remote Assistant only accepts the 128 standard U.S. ASCII character (7-bit)
codes. Extended character set characters are NOT accepted by HP Remote
Assistant. For more information on keyboard considerations, see Appendix I.

Connecting to HP Remote Assistant from an HP-UX Workstation

If an HP-UX workstation running HP Visual User Environment (HP VUE) will serve
as your remote management console, you can connect to HP Remote Assistant and
start a communications session using the xterm terminal emulator.

To open an xterm window with the appropriate settings for HP Remote Assistant, type
the following:

xterm -T "HP Remote Assistant" -bg black -fg white -sb
-cr white -geometry 80x25

The above example specifies a session window with a black background, a white
foreground, a white cursor, a scrollbar, and an 80 by 25 character display. (See the
xterm man page for more parameter options.)

To initiate communications with a modem or other serial device, use the cu (Call
UNIX) command. For example, at the xterm command prompt, type:

cu -1 hayes 9,4085551234

The "-1 hayes" specifies the device name to use as the communications line. Device
names are contained in the file /usr/lib/uucp/Devices. See the cu man page for more

In the example above, "hayes" refers to an auto-dialing modem, so the cu command
will direct the modem to dial the number 9,408-555-1234.